Christopher Hudson is a landscape photographer and author based in Vancouver, B.C. His photography spans both Canada and the U.S. Encompassing trips within British Columbia and Alberta, and to 15 U.S states including Arizona, California, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida.
Chris enjoys traveling to Provincial, State, and National parks to experience first hand their natural beauty. Once there favourite shooting locations are often spontaneous, arriving out-of-the-blue as landscapes change in weather, light, and season. Some of his most prized images have come from the journey, not necessarily the destination.
Shooting mostly in digital Chris also enjoys traditional film photography and regularly shoots and develops black and white and infrared film. He is passionate about both but feels that continuing the tradition of film photography is an important link to photography’s past, both historically and creatively.
Chris’ book '25 Tips for Better Photography: A beginners guide to composing great shots' is available in ebook form through the Apple ibook store, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble by Lulu publications.
25 Tips for Better Photography: A beginners guide to getting great shots:
Photography has never been easier. At no previous point in history has it been so simple to capture an image of the world around us. Mobile phones, tablets, and small inexpensive digital cameras have made it easy to take pictures anywhere at anytime. But does quantity translate to quality? Although it may be more accessible than ever before to take photographs, good ones often come from knowing what makes an image work. All photographers shooting both still and video can benefit from some helpful trade secrets.
Each of the following chapters will highlight a tip that can be used to better capture an image from scene to screen. These tips are commonly known as ‘the rules’. Rules, however, in a medium as creative as photography is a loose term that best describes a set of creative tools learned and chosen from when the opportunity arises. The purpose of this book is to inspire creative photographs, stimulate experimentation, and deepen your passion for taking great pictures.